The 2024 BE Project – In a world where you can BE anything, what will you choose?
For most of my life, i’ve always had a soft heart. I’ve always wanted to be the “guys guy” or the “man’s man”. However, I’ve always found myself to be the person that is somebody who listens, who pays attention to the little things, who is compassionate about people’s feelings.
Meet Collin Gregory and His Personal Reflections
I want people to know they are loved. If they don’t know that, I do whatever I can to show them. It wasn’t until I was older and realized that compassion comes with such a heavy burden and that is not an easy thing and because it’s not easy, there’s only a few special people that can carry that kind of heart and that kind of love. And if God truly placed me in this world to be that type of person, all of the times from being that younger me, and feeling like I was being picked on or feeling like I was never really, truly something that I thought I should be, those were the times that was building the strength to be the person I am now.
If you could go back and talk to yourself two years ago, what would you say?
I would probably tell the younger person to endure, endure through what you’re going through. Be the compassionate person that you want to be, that you feel like you’re being led to be, because that’s the most special thing about you. I could go back and just remind him that it’s OK to be who you are, and not trying to be who you’re not, let that compassion fly and then go and do.
If tomorrow never comes, what would you regret not doing?
Seeing Isaac get married and walking Felicity down the aisle. I don’t care about me. There’s nothing that I want in this life other than to see my kids and my wife be happy. And then I’ll be happy. Everything else kind of falls into that.