In a world where you can be anything, what will you choose?
I choose discipline. I feel like I get the best results in life when I make an effort to stick to something that will pay off in the long term and not talk myself out of it.
Who or what inspires you right now and how does that show up in your life
Honestly, I get a lot of energy from people. It’s just a natural thing—I tend to see the best in people, recognize what they’re really good at, and try to put them in a position to shine. I love bringing things together, whether it’s people or something artistic.
What is something that you wish others knew about you that they might not see on the surface?
Something I wish others knew about me that they might not see on the surface is that I’m really sensitive. I’m pretty open for the most part, but I’ve been through a lot in my life. And while that has made me stronger, things still hurt just as much. I don’t know that people always understand that—they assume, “Oh, she’s been through everything; nothing affects her now.” But that’s not true.
What is one fear or limiting belief that you want to let go of and why?
One fear or limiting belief I want to let go of is the idea that if I reach my goals and become even more confident and sure of myself, I’ll have to pay a price for it. Some people don’t take well to very confident and accomplished women. I want to take things to the next level, but I know that might cost me some people.
What’s one piece of advice that you’ve received that has stuck with you, and why?
One piece of advice that has stuck with me is from a poem—it’s the idea of “let them.” If they want to be mad at you, let them. If they want to be upset because you’re succeeding, let them. Their opinions, their words, none of it impacts the path that I’m on.