In a world where you can be anything, what will you choose?
I want to be able to be confident in myself and kind of put my foot down,state “this is my opinion”.
Who or what inspires you right now and how does that show up in your life?
My daughters. I want to show my daughters that we can be strong and we don’t have to be under somebody else’s thumbprint or footprint too. Teaching my girls how to be strong women and stand up for themselves and work through their trauma.
What is something that you wish others knew about you that they might not see on the surface?
While I am the person that is always smiling, they may not know that I sometimes feel like I’m dying inside. There has been a lot of pain and there’s a lot of tears and hurt. I’ve never really let anybody else see because I felt like I always had to hide so much. The last four years have really been about rebuilding and figuring out who I am.
What is something you would go back and tell your younger self?
That it’s all going to be ok. The despair and the unknown, the worry, it’s been where I’ve lived a lot of my life.
What would you want your girls to hold true as they move through life and their own battles?
They will always have me and that we don’t get to the goal without the grit and the grind.