The 2024 BE Project – In a world where you can BE anything, what will you choose?

I’m often a perfectionist and sometimes I will wait for things to be completely perfect before I actually do the thing. Sometimes it won’t get done at all and sometimes it will, but my plan for this year is just to take action and then if it’s not as good as I want it to be I can redo it. Most of the time it will be just fine and I can just keep it moving.


Meet Cassie Spears and Her Personal Reflections

I feel like I’m a very purposeful person. So if I purposely tell myself that I need to do more action and not analyze it, it will cause me to do more action in my work and my life and everything.

I’m very much more of a spiritual person than a religious person. I believe that everything is already predestined and pre-planned.  I really try to take my perfectionist out of it and try to make things perfect knowing that it’s gonna have an outcome no matter what. The outcome could be perfect or messy.

What advice would you give your boys?

Successful people do what unsuccessful people aren’t willing to do. Always take action. Always strive for better and don’t settle for complacency.  Life, family and everything.  Success is about it all – work and home.

The BE Project with Beautiful Evolutions Photography

The BE Project was created in 2016.  Two crazy girls had an idea and it came to life on a napkin at lunch one day. They partnered with a local jeweler, Woolards Custom Jewelry and a beautiful necklace was created.  What began as a marketing campaign turned in to an annual photo project that has allowed people to share a word that is important to them and why that word guides them.  Each year, in January, the project opens back up for registrations.  One week is dedicated to photographing the incredible people that want to join us.  All images are black and white to keep from any distractions.  Just the human and their word.

Head over to THE BE Project page read some of the incredible stories that have been shared with us. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email at or give us a call at 817-564-3068. 


Please joing the waitlist for this next years project by clicking here: BE Project Waitlist