How a Personal Branding Session is Different than a Headshot Session

Personal branding photography is a relatively new aspect of visual branding, with savvy business owners jumping on board to take their branding to the next level. A personal branding photography session differs from a typical headshot/portrait session in several ways. With headshots, the focus is simply on you, usually shot from the waist up. Headshots are incorporated into personal branding sessions, but we don’t stop there. We delve deep into not just who you are visually, but telling the story of what you do and why you do it via detail shots, lifestyle shots, photos of you in action, you with your products.

Is a personal branding session right for you? How do you know if you need a personal branding session?

  1. Career Advancement Goals
  2. Lack of Professional Presence
  3. Desire for Authentic Representation
  4. Need for Strategic Direction
  5. Increased Visibility

Personal Branding: How We Work


It’s always best to book your photo session in advance, especially if you are working toward a specific deadline. It’s also important to take the time required for photo selection and editing into account when booking your personal branding session.

1st Step: The Brainstorming Session

Once you’ve set a date for your photo session, we can begin brainstorming ideas. The photos from your personal branding session are very multi-purpose. They can be used for your website, promotional materials, blogs, ads, social media, headers, banners, and more. That’s why planning and analysis are so important. Knowing where and how you want to use your images will help us understand whether you’ll require vertical, horizontal, or square images for Instagram. If you want to use text across any of your images, please let us know so that we can plan the image backgrounds accordingly.

2nd Step: Your Brand Description

Please provide a brief but detailed description of your brand and its values so we can incorporate them into your images. If there are specific colors that you would like to incorporate, please let us know.

Our goal is to paint the perfect picture of what it is you do and what sets you apart from your competition. These images will provide an important glimpse into what it would be like to work with you.

3rd Step: The Day of the Session

Now it’s all about relaxing and enjoying the experience. We will direct you on how to pose and ensure that you get the best possible shots. We’ll use a mix of lifestyle images and headshots to give your audience a better view of what you do daily. We’ll also take some behind-the-scenes shots for a more personal view of what it’s like to work with you.

4th Step: Editing

After the shoot, I will spend time sorting through all of the photos, deleting any that didn’t work out. Once I’ve done this, I will get rid of any small imperfections and ensure that the color looks amazing. If you have any specific editing requests, please let us know.

5th Step: Selecting Your Images

While our packages do come with a specific number of images, there is always the option to purchase additional shots if you would like to use extra photos. It’s best to choose a good mix of images so that you have a little bit of everything available to you. We are always happy to assist you with this process if need be.


Confirm any hair and makeup appointments and confirm the address one week before your session. If you will be coloring your hair, this is the time to do it. The day before your session, we ask that you prepare your outfits, ensuring that they’re steamed, pressed, and on hangers. If you want to look great in your photos, make sure you are well-hydrated the day prior, and be sure to go to bed early so you will look and feel well-rested.


Now it’s all about relaxing and enjoying the experience. We will direct you on how to pose and ensure that you get the best possible shots. We’ll use a mix of lifestyle images and headshots to give your audience a better view of what you do on a daily basis. We’ll also take some behind-the-scenes shots for a more personal view of what it’s like to work with you.

Personal Branding: Choosing a Location for Your Session

Before you start considering locations for your session, take the time to think about what your average day looks like. Remember that you want to give potential clients and audience a look at a day in your life so your photos need to tell that story. You may even find that you don’t need to look very hard or far for the perfect location either as your office or backyard might be all you need. Using props to bring your workspace to life is a simple way to create a great setting for your shoot. Consider some of the coffee shops, hotels, studios or co-working spaces in your area for ideas. Always opt for a location with as much natural light as possible as this makes for the best shots.


Who Can Benefit From a Personal Branding Session

As Forbes puts it, “Whether you know it or not, you have a personal brand.” In this highly digital, competitive day and age, how you come across to people matters. Building a personal brand is all about controlling the conversation—intentionally crafting a persona that’s true to you and puts you in the very best light. So, here’s who can benefit from a personal brand photoshoot:

Any professional

Having a thoughtful, solidified brand is valuable to any working professional. Your personal brand is what sets you apart from the competition. Having professional yet approachable personal brand photos on your website, social media, and business cards will help other people remember you and get to know you.

Small business owners and freelancers

If you own your own business or are self-employed, having a distinct personal brand is everything. It’ll help potential clients connect with you instantly. After all, people don’t want to work with faceless companies; they want to work with friendly, trustworthy, real people.


A personal branding photoshoot is a great way to build a bank of like-worthy new content for your social media feed, blog, or email newsletters. It’ll also help you connect with your audience on a more personal level.

Head Shot & Personal Branding Sessions with Beautiful Evolutions Photography

Your business is you.  You are your business.  We live in such a funny world today and it’s all about staying first of mind and relevant in an environment that people have an attention span of a finger swipe.  Did you know that your headshots and images you use for your business are an incredible way to connect with new clients and stay top of mind for your exisiting clients?

Ever been to a networking event and gone home with a stack of cards. You KNOW you had a great conversation with someone but can’t remember their name to save your life.  Now imagine their image was on the card – you would immediately remember that person…right?

Whether your need a simple updated headshot for your linked in – or perhaps you need to level up your social media game and need a lot of images… let me help you.  I get it – most people DREAD headshots… but my goal of each session is to create images you love and to have you love the process.. I know you are probably thinking.. yeah right.  It’s ok – i love a good challenge.  I travel all over Texas & Oklahoma for clients and even beyond, let’s create your own custom marketing images.  Ready to book your session or maybe just want some additional info? Simply head over to our Headshot Session page and click the button to get details & emailed over to you.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email at or give us a call at 817-564-3068. 

We also serve corporate clients – please contact me for a custom quote.

Much love
