BE Project – Happy – Kelly

In a World Where You Can BE Anything… What will you choose? Kelly chose Happy Why does this word resonate with you? “I think all too often we get wrapped up in anger and hostility and the things that happen and we have to be reminded to choose to be...

BE Project – Fighter – Reagan

In a World Where You Can BE Anything… What will you choose? Reagan chooses Fighter Why does the word Fighter resonate with you? “I have been through a lot of hard stuff in my life.  I make the choice every day to wake and fight.  Fight to be happy.  Fight...

BE Project – Cherished – Renee

In a World Where You Can BE Anything… What will you choose? Renee chooses Cherished Why does the word Cherished resonate with you? “When I partnered with you two years ago I chose the word valued, because I was in a marriage where I did not feel valued.  I...

BE Project – Brave – Tiffany

In a World Where You Can BE Anything… What will you choose? Tiffany chooses Brave Why does the word Brave resonate with you? “The word reminds me that I have been through a lot and I am brave.  I have overcome so many things and while I feel brave, I also...

BE Project – Enough – Brooke

In a World Where You Can BE Anything… What will you choose? I chose the word Enough. Why does the word enough resonate with you? I chose the word enough because it is a concept I have always struggled with.  Never pretty enough, never a first choice, never successful...