The BE Project – In a world where you can be anything…. what will you be?
Meet Hailey. She’s a force to be reckoned with and a pretty remarkable woman. Read below for her story and why she chose her word.
What word did you choose and why?
Hailey chose the word STILL. In her work life, she is in sales. She has learned over time that there are so many times that you have to be still… quiet, unmoving, learn to be still in the moment. Personally, I think over the last year I have learned how important it is to just be still in the moment. There is always something to learn or enjoy in each moment. Regardless of it being a good or a bad moment… learn why you there and what you can learn from it. Spiritually, being still and knowing that your God will take care of you and what you are going thru. This year, I want to work on just being still, enjoying the quiet and the peace of each second.
What would you tell yourself 7 years ago?
Just calm down, don’t be high strung and rigid. You can always have certain rules and expect things to go a certain way – but the reality is, it’s never going to work out like that, you will just cause more tension and clashing. Especially with kids. I would tell her, just calm down and roll with the punches.
What is The BE Project?
Have you ever stopped to think about who or what you want to be? Most often there is a word that drives you. If you sit in the silence and really think about what type of person you want to be… there will be a word, sometimes more than one word, that will guide you along and push you to keep being a better version of yourself. This photo project has become something that has touched my heart and hopefully those that have participated. I chose to shoot all of the images in black and white because I wanted the least amount of distractions. Just the human and the word. This project is the stories of some amazing people, their stories, and what these words mean to them. Some have participated each of the 3 years we have done this, some are new each time. It’s an amazing honor to follow along in their journey and document who they are becoming.
Want to read more stories from others in our community and their BE words? Head over to the BE Project Page and read the stories of the amazing humans that have participated.
I challenge you to find a word that resonates with you. Who do you want to strive to be? What word leads you day to day? Join us in our project – what word will describe who you want to BE?
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