Shelbi – The BE Project 2023 – Beautiful Evolutions Portrait Photographer

The BE Project – In a world where you can be anything…. What will you be?

Meet Shelbi – her word for the 2023 BE Project is Connection

What word did you choose and why?


I chose the word Connection. There is purpose in connection. I can love and serve others through connection. I’m connected in the lives of my children. I don’t have to worry about where I fit in, because the Lord is the one doing the connecting, for His Will. I have a responsibility to steward the connections around me. 

  My word this year actually came from a dream. The Lord began to show me images of how he’s connecting things, countries, people and families in a broad view. Then the dream zoomed way in and I began to see how I fit into parts of those connections that He is making. It’s a reminder that He is the one doing the connecting, not me. I don’t have to worry about where I fit in, or force myself into anywhere I don’t feel welcome because I am already where I’m supposed to be, forging the connections that need to be made. There is Peace in knowing that I don’t have to strive, and a confidence that I really am important to God’s plan, I just need to steward the gift of connection. Every day reveals a little piece of that puzzle, and at the end of the year I’ll get to see how it has all connected to something greater than myself.

If you could go back and talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you say?

            If I could talk to younger Shelbi, I would tell her to go find Andrew as soon as you can and don’t waste any more of your time. Aside from that, I’d tell her that she is amazing just the way she is, and she doesn’t have to try to be like those other girls. I’d tell her to love her body, to love her biracialism, and just how unique and incredible she really is. I’d tell her that she has real reasons to be confident and she doesn’t have to fake it. I’m not sure if there was a specific moment where that shifted for me, but over time through the time I spent reading, working on myself, learning how to live vulnerably and from that really learning how to help people, I began to live truly confidently. 

            If my kids hold on to any piece of advice from me as they go through their own life struggles, I hope they remember that it always comes back to Love. Perfect Love casts out all fear. Through everything they can hold fast to the Love of the Father, which transforms to love for others and even for yourself – you can solve any problem that way. 



The BE Project with Beautiful Evolutions Photography

The BE Project was created in 2016.  Two crazy girls had an idea and it came to life on a napkin at lunch one day. They partnered with a local jeweler, Woolards Custom Jewelry and a beautiful necklace was created.  What began as a marketing campaign turned in to an annual photo project that has allowed people to share a word that is important to them and why that word guides them.  Each year, in January, the project opens back up for registrations.  One week is dedicated to photographing the incredible people that want to join us.  All images are black and white to keep from any distractions.  Just the human and their word.

Head over to THE BE Project page read some of the incredible stories that have been shared with us. 

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email at or give us a call at 817-564-3068. 


Please joing the waitlist for this next years project by clicking here: BE Project Waitlist